Advanced Homeopathy in Viral Infection – 28 March 2020
What is Advanced Homeopathy?
Homeopathy was discovered by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann more than 200 years ago when he found that the reason that Cinchona cured Malaria. It works on the principle “Like Cures Like”. Homeopathy is now accepted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as the second- most used medical system internationally.
Complex lifestyle today brings with it stress and complex diseases. In advanced homeopathic treatment, we treat acute and chronic illnesses with a group of complex remedies each indicated with separate disease influences.
A person suffering from migraine is found to be diagnosed with diabetes, hypothyroidism, and recent-onset arthritis. This is also due to multi-drug influence and nutritional imbalances and metabolic disorders. There needs to be a gradual lifestyle change done along with counselling and medicines. A group of customised remedies is prepared taking into consideration, the chief (chronic) complaints, acute complaints, suppressions, miasma, temperaments, genetic family history, past medical history, mental & metaphysical state, sleep, and pathological and clinical indications and any other associated concomitants. For example, Now once everything is taken different sources of repertories (mostly Dr. Phatak and Dr. Robin Murphy). Additionally, heart-strengthening and vital energy restoring remedies are also added. The potency of each remedy is mentioned in by Dr Boericke’s Materia Medica and are decided by the patients built, appearance & extent of chronicity of the disease.
Additionally, nutritional supplements, lifestyle modifications and stress- relieving activities are empathetically moulded into one’s life with gradual counselling.
Now one would sceptical object for those who practice classical homeopathy or mono-pharmacy about this grouped homeopathic remedies. But in the book “Poly Pharmacy and Homeopathy” by Dr. Fayzuddin, Hahnemann knew what wonderful effect mixtures of homeopathic drugs produced on the sick and how quickly these mixtures restored the sick to health. He intended to put a foot-note to this effect on his Organon 5th Edition (1833). Dr. Boenninghausen has been consulted in the matter and agreed to it so also Dr. Lutze. However, before this Organon was published it was removed from the foot-note.
However, we used this Hahnemann’s techniques from repertories like Dr. Phatak and Dr. Robin Murphy who has already given to the world a concise and clear group of remedies for each clinical, physiological and pathological findings and made it simpler. And we have been practising this homeopathy now for several years and found it extremely effective even in the complexes of influences, diseases, conditions, and even pandemics.
So under Advanced Homeopathy, this would require history taking in Suppression & its causes: eg the following manner:
Chief Complaints: Diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, arthritis.
Acute complaints: Migraine (this is found mostly due to side effects of allopathic drugs and that is why taken acute)
Suppressions: Grief due to disappointment in love.
- Genetic/Family History
- Past Medical History
- Laboratory Investigations
Apart from vitals these would include vitals, CBC with uric acid, fasting and post blood glucose levels, hemoglobin, mental state, sleeping patters, A1c levels, urine routine, thyroid panel, Serum calcium, vitamin D levels, uric acid levels, kidney panel, and bone densitometry and ECG to the minimum, GI or stomach, extremities, and any other associated clinical complaints, metaphysical state, and other comorbidities.
Coming shortly with a course in “Advanced Homeopathy”, a 5-year hand-holding course from Dr. Kalpana Kotecha, M.D.(Hom). Subscribe to keep yourself updated if you are interested.
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