Advanced Homeopathy in Covid19 – 21-10-2020
Can advanced homeopathy treat Covid19 affected patients?
World Health Organisation (WHO) as the second-most used medical system internationally.
A group of customized remedies prepared to take into consideration, the chief complaint coronavirus fever and its associated symptoms of headache, body ache, low-grade and high-grade fever, cough, vomiting, and diarrhea with a repeated dose for nervousness and anxiety and few remedies for weakness after fever can help treat mild-to-moderate Covid affected patients.
Complex lifestyle today brings with it stress and complex diseases. In advanced homeopathic treatment, a group of complex remedies each indicated with separate influences can collectively be capable of overcoming all Covid19 symptoms without any side effects.
We use Hahnemann’s techniques from repertories like Dr. Phatak and Dr. Robin Murphy who has already given to the world a concise and clear group of remedies for each clinical, physiological and pathological findings and made it simpler. And we have been practising this homeopathy now for several years and found it extremely effective even in the complexes of influences, diseases, conditions, and even pandemics.
The dosage of each symptom shall differ and should be guided by a person with competent knowledge and experience in Homeopathy. Hence the usage should be clearly understood and followed to get excellent results. Covid affected patients with long-standing conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma should look out and complete their homeopathic treatment so that suppressions caused during their past medical condition doesn’t compromise their immunity and are healthy enough to fight back Covid without serious advancements. Alternatively, they can continue their conventional medicines and opt for adjuvant nutritional therapy to detoxify the multi-drug reactions and also supplement their deficiencies such as Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, hormonal balancing enzymes and important minerals to be precise of.
A person affected with Covid19 is found to be diagnosed with, hypothyroidism and recent onset of arthritis and may have suppressions and nutritional imbalances and metabolic disorders. Refer to my book on “Quick reference to Suppressions, causes, symptoms and effects” and “How to reverse diabetes with homeopathy” for further information. There may be additional homeopathic remedies needed depending on pathological and clinical indications and any other associated concomitants diabetes.
Additionally, heart-strengthening and vital energy restoring remedies indicated by Dr. Boericke, Dr. Phatak, and Dr. Robin Murphy may be added for fast and healthy recovery.
Amazohealth markets such homeopathic compounds prepared by trusted, competent, and experienced homeopathic doctors promising one a quality life post-recovery from COVID-19.
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